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    Postatore OGM L'avatar di willy61
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    Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

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    se parlo on line delle tue difese senza conoscerti dovresti aver il buon senso da carpire il gioco e l'ironia ma se prendi così sul serio una conversazione on line stamo freschi. Se ad ogni cosa che tu ritieni puttanata fai riferimento al codice alletica consetimi (e che palle) :-) spero che anche qui noteria il sorriso!
    Palle: due (di solito). Ultimamente, grazie anche ad ascari londinesi, stanno diventando enormi...
    Mi spiace ma stavamo discutendo di tutt'altro. Se vuoi discutere delle mie difese, lo fai nel setting appropriato.
    Se vuoi raccontare barzellette va in TV.
    Oppure lo dichiari PRIMA, non DOPO.

    Non mi pare che l'ironia (o l'attacco personale) rientri tra le argomentazioni valide per discutere di questioni come quelle di cui stiamo discutendo

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da simone11 Visualizza messaggio
    modalità di distinguere memorie vere da false? e dove con la risonanza? gli psicoanalisti hanno tal strumento in studio? ma di che palri?
    Di questi:
    Forced fabrication versus interviewer suggestions: Differences in false memory depend on how memory is assessed.
    By: Ackil, Jennifer K.; Zaragoza, Maria S. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Nov/Dec2011, Vol. 25 Issue 6, p933-942. 10p. Abstract: Many studies show that witnesses can develop false memories for suggested misinformation provided by an interviewer. The forced fabrication effect extends this finding by demonstrating that witnesses can also develop false memories for events they were forced to fabricate themselves. In two experiments we compared the incidence of false memory following forced fabrication and interviewer provided suggestion under various conditions (pre-test warning/no warning; one-week/two-week delay) and type of test (source recognition vs. narrative recall). Whereas interviewer suggestions resulted in more false memories than forced fabrications on source recognition tests when participants overtly resisted fabricating and were warned at test, tests of narrative recall showed the opposite pattern even with pre-test warnings: Fabrications generated following overt resistance led to more false recall than interviewer provided suggestions. This dissociation between suggestive interview type and test type indicates that predictions about the deleterious consequences of interviews are dependent on the way memory is assessed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1002/acp.1785. (AN: 67196384)
    Argomenti: FALSE memory syndrome; INTERVIEWERS; DISSOCIATION (Psychology); INTERVIEWS; WITNESSES; EYEWITNESS identification
    Pupil size changes during recognition memory.
    By: Otero, Samantha C.; Weekes, Brendan S.; Hutton, Samuel B. Psychophysiology. Oct2011, Vol. 48 Issue 10, p1346-1353. 8p. 3 Graphs. Abstract: Pupils dilate to a greater extent when participants view old compared to new items during recognition memory tests. We report three experiments investigating the cognitive processes associated with this pupil old/new effect. Using a remember/know procedure, we found that the effect occurred for old items that were both remembered and known at recognition, although it was attenuated for known compared to remembered items. In Experiment 2, the pupil old/new effect was observed when items were presented acoustically, suggesting the effect does not depend on low-level visual processes. The pupil old/new effect was also greater for items encoded under deep compared to shallow orienting instructions, suggesting it may reflect the strength of the underlying memory trace. Finally, the pupil old/new effect was also found when participants falsely recognized items as being old. We propose that pupils respond to a strength-of-memory signal and suggest that pupillometry provides a useful technique for exploring the underlying mechanisms of recognition memory. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2011.01217.x. (AN: 65381690)
    Argomenti: PUPILLOMETRY; FALSE memory syndrome; RECOGNITION (Psychology); PUPIL (Eye) -- Physiology; VISUAL learning
    Differentiating accounts of actual, suggested and fabricated childhood events using the judgment of memory characteristics questionnaire.
    By: Short, Jennifer L.; Bodner, Glen E. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Sep/Oct2011, Vol. 25 Issue 5, p775-781. 7p. Abstract: Statement analysis procedures are used in forensic settings to classify reported events as experienced or non-experienced. These procedures are typically validated using accounts of actual events and intentionally fabricated events. However, people can also unintentionally develop false memories. To examine whether inclusion of accounts of suggested events affects classification accuracy, we validated the judgment of memory characteristics questionnaire (JMCQ) statement analysis procedure using all three statement types. Participants attempted to recall two actual events and one suggested event from their childhood over two cognitive interviews, then intentionally fabricated an account of another childhood event. Fourteen of the 34 participants (41%) reported having experienced the suggested event. Independent raters then used the JMCQ to analyse and classify each type of statement from this participant subset. Inclusion of accounts of suggested events did not reduce classification accuracy. Raters tended to classify accounts of both fabricated and suggested events as non-experienced. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1002/acp.1756. (AN: 65551949)
    True and false memories in adolescents with psychosis: Evidence for impaired recollection and familiarity.
    By: Caza, Nicole; Dore, Marie-Claire; Gingras, Nathalie; Rouleau, Nancie. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. May2011, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p218-240. 23p. 3 Charts, 2 Graphs. Abstract: Introduction. Psychotic patients are impaired on recall and recognition of studied items (true memory) and typically make more false recall (intrusions) and false recognition than controls, reflecting greater susceptibility to false memory. The functional mechanisms underlying these deficits are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to examine recollection and familiarity in true and false memory in psychotic adolescents without long-term exposure to medication and repeated hospitalisations. Methods. Seventeen adolescents with psychosis and 17 matched controls were tested on a DRM false memory paradigm combined with a remember (R)/know (K)/guess (G) procedure. Recall and recognition of targets (studied words), critical lures (associated words) and unrelated distractors were measured. Between-group comparisons were made using t-tests and mixed ANOVAs. Independent estimates for recollection and familiarity were also calculated. Results. True memory was impaired in patients. Similar rates of false memory for critical lures were found in both groups. False memory for unrelated distractors was increased in patients. Contrary to controls, who attributed more R and K responses to targets than lures, patients attributed similar proportions of R and K responses to targets and lures. Furthermore, patients attributed more K responses than controls to all distractors. Conclusions. These findings suggest a deficit in recollection- and familiarity-based memory in psychotic adolescents as well as reliance on preserved gist or meaning-based memory to support poor item-specific memory. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1080/13546805.2010.522026. (AN: 60507803)
    Argomenti: PSYCHOSES in adolescence; RECOLLECTION (Psychology); MEMORY disorders; FALSE memory syndrome; PSYCHOSES -- Patients
    Distinguishing true from false memories in forensic contexts: Can phenomenology tell us what is real?
    By: MARCHE, TAMMY A.; BRAINERD, C. J.; REYNA, VALERIE F. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Nov2010, Vol. 24 Issue 8, p1168-1182. 15p. 2 Charts. Abstract: We studied the extent to which subjective ratings of memory phenomenology discriminate true- and false-memory responses, and whether degree of gist-based processing influences false memory and phenomenology, in a classic forensic task, the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (GSS). Participants heard a narrative of a robbery followed by suggestive questions about the content of the narrative. They were asked to rate the items they recognized as studied using the Memory Characteristics Questionnaire (MCQ). Consistent with studies of word lists, there were phenomenological differences between true and false memory responses: memory phenomenology was richer for true than for false memories, which supports opponent-process accounts of false memory such as fuzzy-trace theory. Thus, phenomenology is a useful means for differentiating experienced from non-experienced events in forensic contexts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1002/acp.1629. (AN: 54357906)
    Argomenti: FALSE memory syndrome; PHENOMENOLOGY; NARRATIVES; FUZZY logic; FORENSIC sciences
    True and false memories in the DRM paradigm on a forced choice test.
    By: Weinstein, Yana; McDermott, Kathleen B.; Chan, Jason C. K. Memory. May2010, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p375-384. 10p. 3 Charts, 2 Graphs. Abstract: Participants studied lists of semantic associates that converged on a non-presented critical word (e.g., sleep; Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995) and took a two-alternative forced choice test. At test, each critical non-presented word was paired with a studied word from the same list. The test was administered either immediately or 7 days after the study phase. Accuracy in distinguishing between the non-presented critical word and the studied list word was above chance at immediate testing. After a 7-day retention interval, however, accuracy did not differ from chance performance: participants were as likely to choose the non-presented critical word as the studied list word. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1080/09658211003685533. (AN: 50529447)
    Argomenti: SEMANTICS; PARTICIPATION; LANGUAGE & languages; LEXICOLOGY; FALSE memory syndrome
    Is the truth in the details? Extended narratives help distinguishing false “memories” from false “reports”.
    By: SjÖdÉn, Bj&;#x00D6;rn; Granhag, PÄr Anders; Ost, James; Af HjelmsÄter, Emma Roos. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Jun2009, Vol. 50 Issue 3, p203-210. 8p. 6 Charts. Abstract: The present study examined the effects of fantasy proneness on false “reports” and false “memories”, of existent and non-existent footage of a public event. We predicted that highly fantasy prone individuals would be more likely to stand by their initial claim of having seen a film of the event than low fantasy prone participants when prompted for more details about their experiences. Eighty creative arts students and 80 other students were asked whether they had seen CCTV footage preceding the attack on Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh up to, and including, non-existent footage of the actual moment of the attack. If affirmative, they were probed for extended narratives of what they claimed to have seen. Overall, 64% of participants provided a false “report” by answering yes to the initial question. Of these, 30% provided no explicit details of the attack, and a further 15% retracted their initial answer in their narratives. This left 19% of the sample who appeared to have false “memories” because they provided explicit details of the actual moment of the attack. Women scored higher than men and art students scored higher than other students on fantasy proneness, but there was no effect on levels of false reporting or false “memory”. Memories were rated more vivid and clear for existent compared to non-existent aspects of the event. In sum, these data suggest a more complex relationship between memory distortions and fantasy proneness than previously observed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2008.00694.x. (AN: 39464567)
    Argomenti: FALSE memory syndrome; FALSE testimony; SOCIAL influence; IMAGINATION; ART students -- Psychology; INTERVIEWING -- Social aspects
    Judgement of confidence in childhood memories.
    By: ARBUTHNOTT, KATHERINE D.; KEALY, KINDA L. K.; YLIOJA, SHELLEY. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Nov2008, Vol. 22 Issue 7, p953-978. 26p. 5 Charts. Abstract: Memory judgement processes, based on the characteristics and associations of retrieved memories such as sensory details and supporting memories, are considered as important as retrieval in several autobiographical memory models. Judgement processes have received less research attention than memory characteristics themselves. The present studies examined memory judgement using qualitative analysis of the reasons participants gave for confidence in retrieved childhood memories. For memories they were confident of, participants cited memory phenomenology, especially sensory and affective details, much more frequently than consistency with other autobiographical knowledge. For memories they were not confident of, participants reported lack of consistency with autobiographical knowledge or with others' memories more often than memory phenomenology as reasons for their uncertainty. Participants' comments also revealed several metacognitive beliefs about the relationship between memory characteristics and accuracy. These data are consistent with two-process models of memory judgement associated with true versus false memories. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1002/acp.1404. (AN: 34962187)
    Argomenti: MEMORY; CHILDREN; JUDGMENT; AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL memory; FALSE memory syndrome; QUALITATIVE research
    Providing information about diagnostic features at retrieval reduces false recognition.
    By: Lane, Sean M.; Roussel, Cristine C.; Starns, Jeffrey J.; Villa, Diane; Alonzo, Jill D. Memory. Nov2008, Vol. 16 Issue 8, p836-851. 16p. 3 Charts. Abstract: In the following study, participants encoded blocked DRM word lists and we varied whether they received information before test about the utility of mnemonic features that potentially discriminate between veridical and false memories. The results of three experiments revealed that this manipulation successfully reduced false recognition of critical theme words. We also found that this manipulation was effective for younger but not older adults. Furthermore, calling attention to the features in test instructions alone was sufficient for reducing false recognition and its effectiveness was not enhanced by also asking participants to rate their phenomenal experience. We argue that providing diagnostic information before test allows participants to establish more accurate expectations about the task and thus improves the efficacy of retrieval and monitoring processes that are subsequently engaged. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1080/09658210802337734. (AN: 34920880)
    Argomenti: INFORMATION retrieval; RECOGNITION (Philosophy); MEMORY; EXPERIMENTS; FALSE memory syndrome
    Age-related Differences in Brain Activity during True and False Memory Retrieval.
    By: Dennis, Nancy A.; Hongkeun Kim; Cabeza, Roberto. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Aug2008, Vol. 20 Issue 8, p1390-1402. 13p. 1 Diagram, 4 Charts, 3 Graphs. Abstract: Compared to young adults, older adults show not only a reduction in true memories but also an increase in false memories. We investigated the neural bases of these age effects using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a false memory task that resembles the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Young and older participants were scanned during a word recognition task that included studied words and new words that were strongly associated with studied words (critical lures). During correct recognition of studied words (true memory), older adults showed weaker activity than young adults in the hippocampus but stronger activity than young adults in the retrosplenial cortex. The hippocampal reduction is consistent with age-related deficits in recollection, whereas the retrosplenial increase suggests compensatory recruitment of alternative recollection-related regions. During incorrect recognition of critical lures (false memory), older adults displayed stronger activity than young adults in the left lateral temporal cortex, a region involved in semantic processing and semantic gist. Taken together, the results suggest that older adults' deficits in true memories reflect a decline in recollection processes mediated by the hippocampus, whereas their increased tendency to have false memories reflects their reliance on semantic gist mediated by the lateral temporal cortex. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] (AN: 33228140)
    Argomenti: MEMORY; FALSE memory syndrome; MAGNETIC resonance imaging; WORD recognition; RECOLLECTION (Psychology); OLDER people; YOUNG adults
    Gamma Oscillations Distinguish True From False Memories.
    By: Sederberg, Per B.; Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas; Madsen, Joseph R.; Bromfield, Edward B.; Litt, Brian; Brandt, Armin; Kahana, Michael J. Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell). Nov2007, Vol. 18 Issue 11, p927-932. 6p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Graph. Abstract: To test whether distinct patterns of electrophysiological activity prior to a response can distinguish true from false memories, we analyzed intracranial electroencephalographic recordings while 52 patients undergoing treatment for epilepsy performed a verbal free-recall task. These analyses revealed that the same pattern of gamma-band (28–100 Hz) oscillatory activity that predicts successful memory formation at item encoding—increased gamma power in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and left temporal lobe—reemerges at retrieval to distinguish correct from incorrect responses. The timing of these oscillatory effects suggests that self-cued memory retrieval begins in the hippocampus and then spreads to the cortex. Thus, retrieval of true, as compared with false, memories induces a distinct pattern of gamma oscillations, possibly reflecting recollection of contextual information associated with past experience. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.02003.x. (AN: 27142210)
    Classic and false memory designs: An electrophysiological comparison.
    By: Nessler, Doreen; Friedman, David; Bersick, Michael. Psychophysiology. Sep2004, Vol. 41 Issue 5, p679-687. 9p. 4 Charts, 3 Graphs. Abstract: In false memory tasks new items either overlap with the semantic concepts of studied items (LURE) or do not (NEW). ERP differences between OLD and NEW items in false memory tasks have been interpreted as similar to episodic memory effects observed in classic recognition studies. However, NEW items in a false memory task can be rejected on the basis of semantic information alone, a strategy useless in classic tasks. Here a medial frontal (400 to 500 ms) episodic memory effect was revealed in both classic and false memory tasks, whereas a parietal (500 to 700 ms) episodic memory effect was found only in the classic task. In the false memory task a large, parietally focused positivity was evident for NEW items, assumed to reflect a targetlike response to new semantic information. The brain activity underlying false memory effects, therefore, cannot be interpreted as a straightforward example of that arising during a standard recognition task. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2004.00195.x. (AN: 14165672)
    Argomenti: EVOKED potentials (Electrophysiology); ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY; FALSE memory syndrome; BRAIN -- Physiology; RECOGNITION (Psychology)
    Non so se ne vuoi altri...

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da simone11 Visualizza messaggio
    (..)nessuno dei 7000 processi risultano imputati psicoanalisti(..)
    certo risultano imputati i genitori, i nonni gli zii.dei soggetti sottoposti ad analisi denunciati da questi dopo un trattamento analitico e dopo aver scoperto (abusi) mai avvenuti che minchia cambia? Te la giochi sulla dilettica la cosa?
    No. Me la gioco sui fatti. In nessuno dei tuoi 7000 casi sono implicati psicoanalisti.
    Di conseguenza sono 7000 casi contro modalità terapeutiche DIVERSE dalla psicoanalisi.
    Continuo a chiedermi come mai parli di pere e porti banane, ma tant'è.

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da simone11 Visualizza messaggio
    Beh se conosci le ricerche della Loftus e non ne vedi la possibilità di generalizzarre è un problema tuo. i processi fallaci di memoria non dipendono dai contesti ma sono intrinseci al suo funzionamento essa NON registra ma ricostruisce! e ricostrusice anche in base alle domende che si fanno. anni di studi di psicologia generale sulla memoria, roba da primi anni di università!
    E che diceva il buon vecchio Freud?

    Forza... sto aspettando un minimo di obiezioni sostenute da evidenze, non inficiate da attacchi personali e minimamente oneste.
    C'è spazio anche per gli ascari londinesi, se vogliono...

    Buona vita
    Dott. Guglielmo Rottigni
    Ordine Psicologi Lombardia n° 10126

  2. #107
    Postatore OGM L'avatar di willy61
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    Albino (BG)
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    Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da luca london Visualizza messaggio
    meglio cambiare la realta'!

    Allegato 24703

    Addio Charlie...ne rimarra solo uno
    Se ci riesci... fallo.
    Dott. Guglielmo Rottigni
    Ordine Psicologi Lombardia n° 10126

  3. #108
    Partecipante Esperto
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    Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

    allora ti rispondo per l'ultima volta per il semplice fatto che parlare con una persona suscettibile è francamente noioso! Lascerò a te l'ultima parola dandoti la possibilità di definirmi anche un idiota. Smetterò di rispondere perchè annoiato.
    distingui con i test memorie false da vere solo se hai un elemento di confronto (in labortorio). Qunado il ricercatore sa già che l'una deve essere falsa e l'altra vera e può confrontare la qualità e quantità delle affermazioni. Ma se ti trovi di fronte uno che mente o uno che ricorda a cazzo di cane senza un elemento di confronto non puoi certo capire che le affermazioni sono false o espressione di falsa memoria o vere.

    (..)Me la gioco sui fatti. In nessuno dei tuoi 7000 casi sono implicati psicoanalisti.
    Di conseguenza sono 7000 casi contro modalità terapeutiche DIVERSE dalla psicoanalisi.(..)

    continui a ripetere lo stesso disco solo perchè non vuoi vedere questa realtà!
    Che parliamo a fare?

    di pure che ho abbandonato il campo. ma lo faccio anche con chi crede a babbo natale .
    ciao ciao
    Ultima modifica di simone11 : 08-11-2012 alle ore 22.35.59

  4. #109
    Postatore Epico L'avatar di kyoko226
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    Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

    l'utente (fake) è stato bannato e il suo commento è stato rimosso, perciò anche le conseguenti risposte se un utente viene bannato per favore non rispondete ai suoi post, non ha molto senso ed inolte rischiamo l'ennesimo fake

    da leggere per favore:

    regolamento ops

  5. #110

    Re: Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da simone11 Visualizza messaggio
    dertodesking, sa chi può darti la risposta migliore? un panicante, un ossessivo compulsivo, un fobico un depresso o un'anoressica usciti dal loro problema.
    e capirai la differenza tra sofferenza emotiva e mancanza di sofferenza emotiva. questo si chiama pragmatismo!
    Ecco,sono daccordo con simone11,perchè qui,per relativizzare così,fino a questo punto,la sofferenza emotiva,il concetto di guarigone,e la patologia,allora non si sa molto di cosa si sta parlando.Io ho sofferto di anoressia,di disturbo narcisistico di personalità,di disurtbo ossessivo compulsivo e fobico ipocondriaco,ho avuto un'infanziae un adolescenza da incubo!Cosa significa guarire?Significa acquisire una vita normale,diventare un essere umano con una identità,una personalità,una vita normale,dove si può amare,giore e anche soffrire senza rimanere vvttima di emozioni negative e suidarci giorno per giornoIn tutto ciò risiede la sofferenza emotiva che è poi,in sostanza ,patologia,perc la sofferenza mentale limità la quotidinita .blocca la vita e il suo svolgimento nel tempo.

  6. #111

    Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

    Scusa ma, al di la' di tante razionalizzazioni (le teorie servono a farsi un'idea di come funzionano le persone, ed e' ovvio che le classificazioni diagnostiche sono convenzioni, come anche quelle della medicina organica) se una persona viene da me e' perche' sta male e non riesce ad essere felice, ed io la avro' aiutata se non stara' piu' male e riuscira' a perseguire la sua felicita'. La valutazione finale sta al paziente, non al terapeuta. Se questo avviebe guardando jersey show o con uns vacanza o con una relazione amorosa, tanto meglio, credo che nessun terapeuta la considererebbe una lesa maesta'

  7. #112
    Partecipante Super Esperto L'avatar di Axamer Ibk
    Data registrazione

    Riferimento: Validità della psicoterapia

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da simone.roselli Visualizza messaggio
    Scusa ma, al di la' di tante razionalizzazioni (le teorie servono a farsi un'idea di come funzionano le persone, ed e' ovvio che le classificazioni diagnostiche sono convenzioni, come anche quelle della medicina organica) se una persona viene da me e' perche' sta male e non riesce ad essere felice, ed io la avro' aiutata se non stara' piu' male e riuscira' a perseguire la sua felicita'.
    avrei molti dubbi sull'idea di perseguire la felicita'....un concetto che va esplorato mooooolto attentamente durante la terapia. Il rischio e' di colludere con fantasie salvifiche o messianiche

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da simone.roselli Visualizza messaggio
    La valutazione finale sta al paziente, non al terapeuta. Se questo avviebe guardando jersey show o con uns vacanza o con una relazione amorosa, tanto meglio, credo che nessun terapeuta la considererebbe una lesa maesta'.
    qua nessun dubbio: 'a ciascuno il suo'.... modo di realizzarsi...anche guardando jersey shore

  8. #113
    Partecipante Super Esperto L'avatar di Lucio Regazzo
    Data registrazione
    OttImo istema di farsi promozione aggirando i regolamenti

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da neuromancer Visualizza messaggio
    Rimangono sullo sfondo molti aspetti della psicoterapia che è una straordinaria invenzione per la cura del disagio psichico basatasulla parola (talking cure, la cura del dialogo) in alternativa o ad integrazione di quella psichiatrica/farmacologica. Una critica, a mio parere patetica, mette in discussione questo speciale esercizio conversazionale equiparandolo “alla conversazione da bar”, trascurando il fatto che in uno studio terapeutico la conversazione ha una formanon ordinaria perché segue una struttura organizzata ed elaborata dal modello di riferimento e “controllata” da una equipe esterna (la cosiddetta supervisione), con precisi scopi di esplorazione e rielaborazione del problema.

    Resta aperto il problema del panorama italiano. La psicoterapia è accessibile in forma privata o pubblica. Nel primo caso, la situazione rimane complicata a causa dell’emergere di figure professionali parapsicologiche che rendono il quadro più nebuloso e frustrante per l’utenza, per una preparazione universitaria arrancante, per i costi proibitivi sia per il professionista (le tasse!, l’affitto dello studio, il costo delle supervisioni), sia per il cliente (con un costo mensile a partire da 300 euro circa…). Nel secondo caso che riguarda la sanità pubblica, i protagonisti principali sono lo psicofarmaco e lo psichiatra (che mette la firma legale nella ricetta medica, “potere” proibito per lo psicoterapeuta), una tradizione medico/organicistica che trova potenti alleati nel paradigma biologico e tecnologico consolidato dalle neuroscienze. [continua qui]

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    Avevo sbagliato posto; la mia risposta è da riferirsi a quello citato
    Ultima modifica di crissangel : 27-08-2013 alle ore 14.38.45
    Lucio Demetrio Regazzo

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