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Discussione: materiale tesi

  1. #1
    Partecipante Esperto
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    near Pisa ...Pontedera

    materiale tesi

    vari approcci psicologici e anoressia???
    -su approccio psicoanalitico
    -su approccio cognitivo-comportamntale
    -su approccio terapia familiare
    -su approccio fenomenologico(soprattutto questo!)

    se avete informazioni su questi approcci in relazione all'anoressia scrivetemi ad armoniasolare@live.it

    grazie mille

    buona serata

  2. #2
    Partecipante L'avatar di Kaygirl88
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    per l'approccio psicoanalitico all'anoressia ti consiglio questi testi:

    "La scoperta dell'anoressia" di Gull, Lasegue;
    "L'ultima cena. Anoressia e bulimia" di M. Recalcati.

    Credo che ci sia qualcosa chiuso a chiave
    e che ogni verità può fare bene e fare male...
    Credo che adesso mi devi far sentir le mani
    che a quelle credo...

  3. #3
    Partecipante Super Figo L'avatar di micetta1980
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    ciao a tutti!!ho appena chiesto la tesi e gia' arriva il problema della reperibilita' del materiale richiesto.la mia tesi sara' sulla depressione post partum, la mia relatrice mi ha consigliato un articolo che si trova nella rivista Eta' Evolutiva,non so il numero ne' l anno...nella biblioteca di cagliari le ho consultate tutte..ma proprio questa manca,per quanto riguarda il prestito interbibliotecario,non si hanno abbastanza elementi,la prof mi ha detto 1999,evidentemente non lo e'..l articolo e' di Franca Tani sulla depressione materna,inoltre ho difficolta' a trovare l articolo originale,che lei ha tradotto di Goodman e Gotlib..potreste aiutarmi??'grazie mille!!

  4. #4
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    Cerco materiale su Otto Rank , pionere della psicoanalisi con Freud . Qualcuno ha consigli da darmi ? Il paradosso è , aver trovato fino ad ora + materiale su Virgilio e Google , e pokissimo in Bixy ... ma forse sto sbagliando io le ricerche , immettendo come termini di ricerca il nome e cognome di questo autore .... Qualcuno può aiutarmi ??

    Grazie !!!

  5. #5
    Postatore OGM L'avatar di willy61
    Data registrazione
    Albino (BG)
    Blog Entries

    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    Cominciamo con l'ottimo Otto Rank

    del quale, se non l'hai già fatto, ti consiglio di leggerti i suoi libri, che puoi trovare qui: rank otto - I libri di otto rank - IBS

    E poi, se te la cavicchi con l'inglese, puoi leggerti questi articoli:

    Otto Rank.
    By: Eisenstein, Samuel. Psychoanalytic Pioneers, 1/1/1995, p36, 15p; Abstract: Profiles psychoanalyst Otto Rank. Family and educational background; Career highlights; Contributions to the field of psychoanalysis. (AN 7594198)

    Creativity in Conflict: The Personality of the Commercial Creative.
    By: Gelade, Garry A.. Journal of Genetic Psychology, Mar97, Vol. 158 Issue 1, p67-78, 12p, 2 charts; Abstract: Examines the personality of commercial creative professionals using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Comparisons with a group of professionals in occupations not evidently creative; Prevalence of personality profiles suggesting low levels of ego control; Discussion of findings in the light of Otto Rank's theory of creative development. (AN 9704042261)

    Family tree matters.
    By: Falzeder, Ernst. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Jan1998, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p127, 28p Abstract: Abstract: The present paper investigates the form and structure of the psychoanalytic 'family tree', concentrating on the analysands of Sandor Ferenczi and Otto Rank, and their impact on contemporary psychoanalysis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] (AN 3251606)

    Transference, politics, and narcissism.
    By: Boadella, David. International Journal of Psychotherapy, Nov99, Vol. 4 Issue 3, p283, 29p Abstract: Abstract Physics and other branches of natural science offer us paradigms of organismic mutual resonance, carrying beyond a concept of very general scope, both metaphoric and energetic--the basis of language. Symbolising transcends its purely verbal significance, as part of the primate legacy. Likewise, nature has a memory; the past is present in the patterning of all events, though not predetermining--in genetics, creation transforming chaos. We think of anticipation as fantasy, and memory as reality, but memory has been shown to be a mixture of historical events and psychological constructions: memory is partly objective and partly intersubjective. The ability to constructively remember the past, to metabolise it, and learn from it, is a sign of psychological health, as van der Kolk and Janet teach us. The imposition of unmetabolised memories is one way of defining what might be called neurotic transference; through this, as observed by Freud, the patient could be helped to decontaminate the present behaviour from the past associations; therapists too experienced this. Ferenczi introduced the concept of `mutual analysis; working with the `wounded healer' Wilhelm Reich showed the layerings of character, where an apparent positive transference of patient to therapist was often blocking therapy as it hid a deeper layer of negative transference. Otto Rank, the founder of the therapeutic tradition which is now known as pre- and perinatal psychology, took the understanding of neurosis, and therefore of neurotic transference, back to birth and to states in the womb. Other developments in the psychoanalytic and humanistic field of the normal development of embodied resonances in the relationship are explored, including those of Mott, Klein, Winnicott, Kohut, Kernberg, Reich, Lake, Stern, Downing, Bion, Spinoza, those who have evoked `embodied transference' in the preverbal and nonverbal communication systems. Healthy developmental patterns are described. As transfer... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] (AN 2770937)

    The Significance of Ferenczi's clinical contributions for working with psychotic patients.
    By: Falzeder, Ernst. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Apr2004, Vol. 13 Issue 1/2, p26-30, 5p Abstract: This paper tries to show that Ferenczi's contributions in "The Development of Psychoanalysis" (with Otto Rank) and in his "Clinical Diary" are pivotal for the development of modern psychotherapy with severely disturbed patients. In addition, the question of whether a psychotherapeutic technique should or could be communicated to others is discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1080/08037060410031098 (AN 13104900)

    The Birth of Tragedy and The Trauma of Birth.
    By: Wadlington, Will L.. Humanistic Psychologist, Jul2005, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p175-186, 12p Abstract: This article examines the early writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and Otto Rank in terms of Harold Bloom's notion of an "anxiety of influence." Like the "strong poets" in Bloom's theory, each of these innovators needed to resolve his ambivalence toward precursors to create new theories and approaches. Nietzsche and Rank are seen as "premature births," thinkers before their time; both went beyond their own early works and attempted self-creation. Through an emphasis on affirmation of life despite death's inevitability, both were able to free themselves creatively. Rank drew from Nietzsche's philosophy and his example in developing an early existential psychotherapy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1207/s15473333thp3303_1 (AN 17406571)

    Mythos and Logos.
    By: Orfanos, Spyros D.. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2006, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p481-499, 19p Abstract: I consider psychoanalytic approaches to myth and the role of mythos (myth) and logos (reason) in Ancient Greece. Myths are sacred narratives that are in constant flux and interpreted by storytellers. Reason tries to establish the truth. Following a discussion of Freud's visit to the Acropolis and his use of the Oedipal myth, Freudian, Jungian and philosophical interpretations of myths are explored. The research of Otto Rank is addressed in the context of his allegiance to Freud and his subsequent break from the father of psychoanalysis. The myth of Prometheus and its links to creativity are presented. Rank's identification of the Promethean complex is reviewed. Existential questions of mortality and immortality are examined in view of the Greek charge to "know thyself." [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] (AN 23222238)

    Living with the unnameable.
    By: Wright, Tim. Psychodynamic Practice, Feb2007, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p43-58, 16p Abstract: This paper explores artistic manifestations of two cohabiting minds in images made by patients in art therapy and in the work and lives of two highly regarded artists/poets. Drawing on the work of Sinason and others, one of these minds is conceived as orientated to social and personal relationships, the other is conceived as dedicated to self-sufficiency and is more attuned to the physical world. This latter mind tends to keep itself out of sight and to intrude on relationships with destructive consequences at all levels from personal to global political. The artistic medium and process are able to contain both of these ways of being and so enable the radical self-sufficiency of the internal other to be held in mind by the relational. Its distinctive worldview is thus made available to reflective, relational thought. Building on Otto Ranks' work on the double, a historical context is suggested for this. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1080/14753630601093044 (AN 24078032)

    Schismatic processes in the psychoanalytic movement and their impact on the formation of theories.
    By: Wirth, Hans-Jürgen. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Mar2007, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p4-11, 8p Abstract: Of the first generation of psychoanalysts, Otto Rank was the one to discover how immensely significant the importance of the early mother-child relation is for the psychosocial development of the human being. The basic perspective of the psychoanalytic theory and treatment technique, which had first and foremost before then concentrated on the father, was not broadened until Rank's book The Trauma of Birth and its Meaning for Psychoanalysis was published (1924/1952). Even the term "pre-oedipality" goes back to Rank (1927, p. 14), a fact which is not widely known as Rank's oeuvre was scarcely read after he had parted with Freud. In the following, a discussion of Otto Rank's birth trauma theory will be presented in the context of the history of theories, and the "trauma of birth" metaphor will be illustrated by the Oedipus legend and by the figure of the Sphinx. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] DOI: 10.1080/08037060600888089 (AN 24654336)

    Buona vita

    Dott. Guglielmo Rottigni
    Ordine Psicologi Lombardia n° 10126

  6. #6
    Partecipante Affezionato
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    buona sera a tutti sto preparando la tesi e mi servirebbe del materiale sulla memoria prospettica,tipo la definizione di un'autore importante diciamo che devo fare l'introduzione spiegando cosa è come ci si arriva a questa memoria prospettica perchè poi allego dei test che ho fatto, anche libri che potrebbero essermi d'aiuto grazie a tutti.

  7. #7
    Partecipante Esperto L'avatar di Bellatrix
    Data registrazione

    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    questo è il testo "padre" della memoria prospettica:
    Brandimonte M, Einstein GO, & McDaniel MA. (eds) 1996. Prospective Memory: Theory and Application. Erlbaum:Mahwah, NJ.
    altre references sono:
    Brandimonte M, Ferrante D, & Delbello R. 2001. Event-based prospective memory is insensitive to short-term memory load: some observations on automaticity and monitoring in prospective remembering. Cognitive Technology 6: 33-40.

    Brandimonte M, Ferrante D, Feresin C, Delbello R. 2001. Dissociating prospective memory from vigilance processes. Psicòlogica International Journal of Methodology and Experimental Psychology 22: 97-113.

    Burgess PW, Shallice T.1997. The relationship between prospective and retrospective memory: Neuropsychological evidence. In Cognitive Models of Memory, Conway MA (ed.). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA; 247-272.

    Burgess PW, Quayle A, & Frith CD. 2001. Brain regions involved in prospective memory as determined by positron emission tomography. Neuropsychologia 39: 545-555.

    Cicogna, P.C., Nigro,G. (1998). Influence of importance of intention on prospective memory performance.Perceptual and Motor Skills,87,1387-1392.

    Craik FIM 1986. A functional account of age differences in memory. In Human Memory and Cognitive Capabilities: mechanisms and Performances. Klix F. hagendorf H (eds). Elsevier: Amsterdam; 409-422.

    Einstein GO, McDaniel MA. 1990. Normal aging and prospective memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 16:717-726.

    Einstein GO, McDaniel MA, Manzi M, Cochran B, & Baker M. 2000. Prospective memory and aging: Forgetting intentions over short delays. Psychology and Aging 15: 671-683.

    Einstein GO, Smith RE, McDaniel MA, & Shaw P. 1997. Aging and prospective memory. The influence of increased task demands at encoding and retrieval. Psychology and Aging 12: 479-488.

    Guynn MJ, McDaniel MA, & Einstein GO. 2001.Remembering to perform actions. A different type of remembering? In Memory for Actions: A Distinct Form of Episodic Remembering? Zimmer HD, Cohen RL (eds). Oxford University Press: New York.

    Kliegel, M., Martin, M., McDaniel, M.A., Einstein, G.O. (2001). Varying the importance of a prospective memory task: Differential effects across time- and event-based prospective memory. Memory, 9(1), 1-11.

    Marsh RL, Hicks JL. 1998. Event-based prospective memory and executive control of working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 24: 336-349.

    McDaniel MA, Einstein GO. 2000. Strategic and automatic processes in prospective memory retrieval: a multiprocess framework. Applied Cognitive Psychology 14: s127-s144.

    McDaniel MA, Robinson-Reigler B, Einstein GO.1998. Prospective remembering: Perceptually driven or conceptually-driven processes? Memory and Cognition 26: 121-134.

    Otani H, Landau JD, Libleman TM, St.Louis JP, Kazen JK, Throne GW. 1997. Prospective memory and divided attention. Memory 5: 343-360.

    Smith RE. 2003. Conscious capacity and prospective memory: A new perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 29: 347-361.

    Stone M, Dismukes RK, & Remington R. 2001. Prospective memory in dynamic environment: Effects of load, delay, and phonological rehearsal. Memory 9: 165-176.

    West R, Craik FIM, 1999. Age related decline in prospective memory. The roles of cue accessibility and cue sensitivity. Psychology and Aging 14: 264-272.

    comunque c'era già un thread aperto in passato a riguardo, ecco qui:

  8. #8
    Partecipante Super Esperto
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    ciao ragazze mi servirebbe materiale come testi a cui fare riferimento o siti internet sui " legami di attaccamento nelle vittime e autori di abusi sessuali e psicologici"

  9. #9
    Data registrazione

    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    Willy61 ti ringrazio x il tuo prezioso aiuto ... Ho acquistato i libri e una mia amica interprete mi aiuterà con gli articoli ... Volevo solo sapere la provenienza di questi ( x nn perder tempo a cercare nella stessa fonte ) e il criterio con cui me li hai segnalati ( se è x un filo logico, x importanza o altro ..) .
    Ti ringrazio x la tua disponibilità ... e se x caso dovessi avere qualke altra "illuminazione" , nn esitare a farmela presente , anke in pvt .

    Sei stato la mia manna dal cielo ...



  10. #10
    Partecipante Affezionato
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    grazie mille Bellatrix, mica conosci anche se esistono le tradzioni in italiano così impiegherei meno tempo. grazie cmq

  11. #11
    Ospite non registrato

    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    la mia tesi è sulle problematiche relative all'adozione e all'adozione omosessuale
    chi mi aiuta???

  12. #12
    Partecipante Figo L'avatar di Pazzamente
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    ciao a tutti....mi servirebbe del materiale riguardo al LA COSCIENZA NEGLI STATI VEGETATIVI...ki scopre qualcosa vi prego di farmelo sapere...

  13. #13
    Ospite non registrato

    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    ciao a tutti qualcuno saprebbe dirmi dove recuperare materiale sull'autostima nei bambini e qualche ricerca dal 2000 in poi?grazie

  14. #14
    Partecipante Affezionato L'avatar di SANTOSPIRITO
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    ciao a tutti ho chiesto la tesi al prof. di clinica dicendogli che come argomento mi sarebbe piaciuto quello delle perversioni siccome è un argomento vasto mi ha detto di leggere un capitolo del trattato di psicoanalisi sulle perversioni per trovare uno spunto.
    ma qst spunto proprio non lo trovo.mi potreste dare pure voi un consiglio dato che quello che ho letto nn mi piace tanto?grazie mille!!!

  15. #15
    Postatore OGM L'avatar di willy61
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    Albino (BG)
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    Riferimento: materiale tesi

    Citazione Originalmente inviato da SANTOSPIRITO Visualizza messaggio
    ciao a tutti ho chiesto la tesi al prof. di clinica dicendogli che come argomento mi sarebbe piaciuto quello delle perversioni siccome è un argomento vasto mi ha detto di leggere un capitolo del trattato di psicoanalisi sulle perversioni per trovare uno spunto.
    ma qst spunto proprio non lo trovo.mi potreste dare pure voi un consiglio dato che quello che ho letto nn mi piace tanto?grazie mille!!!

    Masud R. Khan M., Le figure della perversione, Boringhieri, Torino, 1982

    Chasseguet-Smirgel J., Il corpo come specchio del mondo, Raffaello Cortina , 2005 Codice ISBN: 9788870789935

    Della stessa autrice: Eros, le deviazioni del desiderio, Raffaello Cortina

    Dai un'occhiata

    Buona vita

    Dott. Guglielmo Rottigni
    Ordine Psicologi Lombardia n° 10126

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